Compliments and Grievance Form SCS Grievance Form Name: (leave blank if you would like to remain anonymous) Email: (elective) Telephone Number: (elective) Address: (elective) Address: (elective) Address: (elective) Address: (elective) City City State/Province State/Province Zip/Postal Zip/Postal Write about your compliments or grievance here: (Please describe, in your own words, what you are concerned about or how your rights were violated.) * Write what you want to happen here: (Please describe, in your own words, how you would like to see this grievance resolved.) Who else do you want to share this information with in addition to Dr. Williams? (Copies of your compliments or grievance will be forwarded to any of the people below whose titles you check. Check as many as you like. ) County Caseworker Private Provider Caseworker Mental Health Caseworker Group Home Worker/Staff IDD Caseworker Guardian ad Litem Attorney/Lawyer Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) How would you like for Dr. Williams to contact you? * Note: This form is also available as written form that can be given to you and then faxed to 610-717-5742 or can be submitted electronically via ExtendedReach with staff assistance reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.