As President and CEO of Spectrum Community Services, Inc., I would like to welcome you to our website. Spectrum Community Services, Inc., is an outgrowth of a small residential provider that started in Carbon County. We have continued to follow the path set forth by these dedicated parents for the past 30+ years by providing supports to persons with developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, the socially disadvantaged, and children. Our services are all consumer and family based, meaning that they are individualized to meet your needs and desires. Our services are provided in beautiful homes, either in community homes, or family living homes/lifesharing homes. We also provide support and assistance to consumers in their own homes.
Feel free to browse this web site. Take a look at all the wonderful things that people have been able to accomplish with the support of a truly dedicated and professional group of direct support staff and management staff.
For more information, contact me at nwilliams@spectrumcommunityservices.org. I look forward to the future as we “help people reach their potential”.
All the best.
Nathaniel J. Williams
President and CEO

Michael came to Spectrum Community Services-CMP from White Haven center in 2007 and it’s been quite a ride ever since. The easy-going, Pokémon loving Michael we all know and love has not always been this way; it took a lot of hard work and dedication from Michael and his team. When Michael first came to CMP, he was on 48 units of insulin throughout the day. Now he is only on 12 units! Additionally, he has lost over 100 pounds by making healthier food choices such as kale, fish, spinach, and broccoli. Michael used to eat all his meals slouched down using only a spoon but has since learned to use other utensils appropriate for the meal he is eating. Michael now chooses to go out into the community and engage with his peers. Through the change in behaviors in all aspects of Michael’s life, he is a much healthier and happier individual!